10 drop shipping business ideas that you can start today | Drop Shipping Business Ideas with ASK Point

10 drop shipping business  ideas that you can start today

10 drop shipping business 

ideas that you can start today 

Given the present day, the scenario drop shipping business has reached new heights. Many sellers are opting for drop shipping where the risk is low, and there is the scope of high returns. Several enterprises are possible at present when we talk about dropshipping.
What is Drop shopping? 
Well its simple, you are the mediator between producer and consumer. The consumer comes to you asking for certain things, pays you before getting his product, you pay the manufacturer in wholesale, keeping some amount to yourself, and now it's manufacturer's responsibility to deliver the product. 

Best thing – You will earn before investing in inventory. There is a minimum risk, and profit is good. 
And it can be started today. You just need – a place to sell (that would be a website, or you can also contact various other websites likes Shopify and others), a good marketing strategy (because to sell you need to create the need), and lots of hard work. 

What do you need to keep in mind before starting?
- There is enormous competition in the dropshipping business, so you need to research a lot before choosing the right niche product 
- You should be ready to put in a lot of work for social media marketing because that's what makes your product noticeable in people's eyes
- Excellent communication skills and handling of the manufacturer because eventually, it's your manufacturer which will deliver the product
- You should be ready to solve the problems of your consumer, and surely there will be some.  

To give you some ideas, we have made a list of some of the trending ideas you can start today,

Promotions of local handicrafts
Now that many indulge in their hobbies as a mode of livelihood promoting local handicrafts for premium customers can be a good idea. You can connect with the local craftsmen, potters, weavers, and the like and get them together to build a platform where they can showcase their products, and the customer can buy them at a reasonable rate. 

This way, you are not just securing business for yourself; you are obtaining the livelihood of a vast number of artisans and ensuring they get their correct pay from the customers. Also, you make the customer happy as they get what they want at a reasonable price directly from the craftsmen and not from some random seller who might trick them in some in during the process.

Medicine delivery
Several big players are in the market for this. Still, given the present-day demand, it is good to start a drop shipping business around medicine and medical supply delivery. You can have an online platform where customers can select the kind of medicine they require and take up the order of the payment and get it solved with the help of some certified medical store. It would take a bit of legal involvement, but at the end of it, it is a very profitable business and, at the present day, a very demanding one too.

And what's good is that you can start with products that cost less like smartwatches and bands and smart wears and when you have a little bit of more endurance of high risk-taking you can move on to great products like TV and air conditioners. 

Drop and pick-up services
Several restrictions are imposed on people to their localities for a large part of this year; it is good to go into the pick-and-down business. It does not require many investments; all you need is a fleet of vehicles and delivery personnel. You need to have a well-defined website where customers can set tasks for you and pick up some items from a location and drop it off at the drop location for a specific charge. You can make quite a considerable margin in the process of this kind of business.

Dry Cleaning Concierge Platform
The Dry Cleaning Concierge Platform could be a place where you can connect the local laundries to the customer directly. You can take the order from the customer, pick up the laundry, and drop it back. This way, you can bring new business to the laundry and those who are not willing to go out of their houses to get the laundry done, and neither has the time or facility to get the clothes cleaned at home, you solve their problems too at a very reasonable charge. Dry Cleaners at the doorstep can be made available at this time of need.

MINI ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS are a necessary part of life now
There are many things without which a healthy lifestyle can't be lead now in 2020. It includes small mini electronic products in huge numbers like data cables, pen drives, and whatnot. In the only USA, the active electric component market is going to reach 521.91 billion US Dollars in 2026 because of the ever-increasing demand for electronic products. 
Every electronic product needs some mini electronic products, which makes it a profitable market as there is no end to the need for technology in every part of human life. 

BEAUTY AND HEALTH PRODUCTS are forever and ever
Who doesn't want to be beautiful and healthy? With the ever-increasing and influential advertising industry, everyone is feeling now that there is a need for that 'something' which will make them healthy and beautiful. 
Only in the category of beauty and personal care products in the US the sales have been valued at approximately 89.4 billion US Dollars as per data on 13 May 2020. And it's going to grow exponentially. 
As per reports, the Global Health product market will pass the mark of a million US Dollars in the coming years. And as we all know, there is no end to people's desire for health and beauty. So looking into this niche is going to be a lot more profitable. 

ORGANIC PRODUCTS are trustworthy
US annual organic food sales are near to 48 Billion US Dollars. And every year, there is an increment of 11% sales in non-food sales in the Organic products category in the US.
With the increasing trend towards a healthy lifestyle, people are trusting organic products a lot more, and they are willing to pay a reasonable amount. And the field is still unexplored. 
Organic products not only include edible items but non-food products, so there is an opportunity to carve out a particular niche in which you can make a vast market and trust your brand. 

Poultry and sale of dairy products
If you are well connected to poultry and dairy farms, it might be a good option for you and the farmers, with your dropshipping business. Instead of going to big brokers in the city and making sure that they get a reasonable price for their products, you could help by connecting and selling poultry and dairy products directly to the customers. This way, everyone can earn a guaranteed extra income during the whole process, and the customer can get fresh produce straight from the farm.

Food Delivery
Several food delivery apps might be available, but not many deliver home-cooked food directly to the customer from the chef's kitchen. Think about how good it can be when you have spent long hours working and do not have the energy to cook for yourself and the restaurant food become boring. As a drop shipper, you can create a platform where several cooks can add the kind of food they are cooking, and customers can approach them for a plate or a couple of them at a reasonable price.

What more can the customer ask for when they are getting food as tasty and healthy as to home-cooked meal from the chef's kitchen. For this, all you might have to do is spend some amount on the online platform you make for the customer and chefs to connect and a fleet to deliver the food to the customer.

Vegetable delivery
Many new players have come up in the market for vegetable delivery, but many of them make use of the already available stores to fulfill customer orders with the help of existing stores. It could be done better with the involvement of wholesalers directly where you would buy the products from them in bulk and fulfill orders from the customers.

A vegetable delivery option could be a profitable option in 2020, given the situation all of us are in where going out of the house is a considerable risk. It is not just a cost-effective option for the drop shipper but an overall profitable business at present.

Last words
Drop-Shipping business holds many unexplored territories and could be a gem-field if the company is done with care and with proper research. Every niche has it's own time, and every business model is useful and can be successful if done with utmost care and research. 
Although the model looks effective, like any business, it would take a considerable amount of time and effort to make your mark in the market. But once your brand is recognized as trustworthy, everything becomes automated. 
Along with looking for the niche, you should also look for a great marketing strategy, especially keeping Facebook and Instagram in focus because these two social media platforms are the hub for consumers looking for good brands. 


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