7 Best Meditation Books (From Beginner to Expert) | Best Books on Meditation | Ask Point

Best Books on Meditation and Healing

1- Little Book of Mindfulness

Nowadays, mindfulness is the most popular technique among other forms of meditations. If you are planning to practice some meditation, this one is the most comfortable book on meditation to start with.

The little book of mindfulness is a great one for beginners.

The book is loaded with small meditations, yoga poses, and breathing techniques. These are going to help you to become more mindful.

Most of the time, we forget to stretch our bodies and carry much emotional baggage around us. The body scanning techniques and various yoga poses will help you to release that baggage.

The biggest problem everyone is facing nowadays is that they are unable to control their thoughts.
 A racing mind is creating an imbalance between mind and body—also, lots of diseases.

This book will guide you to slow down your mind. It will also teach you to focus on the present moment. The author has provided many activities to practice in the book.

You can start with an easy one, like mindful walking, eating, reading, cooking, or gardening. This book is going to give you ways to add mindfulness in your daily life.

An uplifting meditation guide, I will recommend to everyone.

2- What is Zen

Books by Alan Watts doesn't give any choice to readers. You must pick his book blindly. And this one is another gem book on meditation by him.
Zen is something beyond words, and one must experience it to understand it. This book is the best one for both.

Unfortunately, We all are so busy in life that we don't even get time to think about our own experience. It will take you deep enough to take a pause and reflect on your life.

You are going to have the simplest explanation about the depth of life and meditation. However, always remember that Watts is a little advanced. So, you will learn something advance.

If you are planning to dive into meditation or, already do, this book on meditation has Essential information for you. Must read for everyone!

3- How to Meditate

Many people believe that relaxation and meditation are the same. But This book is going to clear your doubt about both.

The author, Ani Pema Chödrön, is an American Buddhist nun in the Tibetan tradition. She has given many useful and lesser-known pieces of advice in this book. And it is easy to read, understand, and practice.

There are many meditations that involve different kinds of posture and complicated rules. But The type of meditation Chödrön teaches doesn't include any problematic position or regulations.

Instead, you only have to focus on your breath. Deep breathing and keep all your attention on the rhythm of breathing. After a few minutes, you will notice you are entirely in the present moment.
One of the things you are going to learn from this book is its versatility.

You will be able to make anything your object of meditation. You can focus on sounds, sights, tactile sensations, etc. Even you can choose your emotions like fear, anger, sadness, joy, etc.

The primary goal of meditation is to live in the present moment which this book is going to give you.
A fantastic book on meditation, one must read!

4- Mindfulness in Plain English

The essential book on meditation for experienced meditators.
This book will teach you about Vipassana meditation. A technique, discovered by Gautam Buddha. Buddha teaches, to observe and let go. It's all about seeing the truth, feel it, and let go. Don't get attached to the situation. Do not react.

For a better result of meditation, one needs to have two strength, awareness, and focus. While practicing Vipassana meditation, you will obtain both.

The hardest part of practicing meditation is distractions. The moment you will sit and start, mind start bringing all the forgotten essential works. And you chose to finish the work first.

This book is going to teach you how to deal with all the disturbances while meditating. I am a practitioner of vipassana, trust me, if you practice regularly, you are going to have amazing experiences.
There is no doubt that the book is great but its a little deep so I will not suggest for beginners.

However, If you are looking for a stepwise guide on how to meditate, this book is for you.

5- Meditation in Action

The author, Trungpa Rinpoche, was a controversial personality. However, the depth of his wisdom and knowledge about meditation is out of the question.

The author says that meditation isn't just a practice to sit, breath, or observe. But, It's a way to create the foundation for empathy, wisdom, and creativity in all aspects of life.

Do you know that wisdom is having a balance between knowledge and action without any ego?
Well, This book is going to help you to gain your wisdom.

In this book, You will learn that meditation means exercising kindness, self-control, patience, strength, clarity, and balance in life.
You are going to learn about the six parameters and the purpose of meditation in life. The book will also teach you some basic but essential concepts of Buddhism.

I will recommend this book to any beginner or skilled meditator.


The Miracle of Mindfulness is probably one of the best books on meditation. In this book, the author has given useful instructions to practice mindfulness.
For anyone curious about what "mindfulness" is, this book will provide an excellent introduction. The author himself is a Buddhist monk. But, his writing and teachings are beyond one religion.

Many short stories mentioned in the book are beneficial to understand life and mindfulness.

This author presents various methods and theories on meditation. He also provides an idea about how to transfer those theories and practices in your daily life.
This meditation book is a pure mixture of spirituality and reality. The author has given various practices for every part of your life.

The book is really thought-provoking and worth your time and money. THE MIRACLE OF MINDFULNESS is a must-read For aspiring meditators.


The author has done justice with the title of the book.
Chade-Meng Tan is one of Google's earliest engineers and pioneer of personal growth. He uses to promote mindfulness as an essential practice for other Google employees also
To the regular meditators, the beginning of the book can be like oh, I already know this!
But hold on, keep reading!
In the end, you will feel that it is one of the best writing on meditation.

The author explains the science behind the examples is fascinating and strengthened my commitment to meditate daily.

According to the author, mindfulness is a useful tool to enhance your happiness and creativity. To prove his point that meditation is the only way to ultimate joy and peace, he has provided many scientific proof and statistics.


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