Creating a Blog Can Increase Ecommerce Traffic and Sales by Ask Point

Does your content generate 

traffic and sales to your Blog?

If No, then you need to think about it.
It's the content that drives traffic and sales in your Blog.
"Content is King" know as soon as you can start traffic.
But when you're a beginner, you don't understand how to begin and stuck on writing your first post.
"How to write content in the right way." that is consistent, unique, and engaging content that people love actually.
Lets, in brief, understand "what is content writing" basically, its a part of content marketing where you will learn the art of creating valuable, appropriate content to attract and engage your readers.
In this post, I will reveal 20 secrets that help you to write content in such a way that converts your ideas into well-written content.

1.Know your Audience

Your first preference should always be to educate your audience. Rather than to sell, So whenever you start to write your content, keep in mind.
What your audience is looking for?
What value are you providing to your audience?
Here is an example that helps you to understand your audience's needs.
Example: suppose a user wants to purchase a mobile phone
and search in google like" best mobiles under $ 500."
then you can write a review article and comparison article on the "best mobile under $ 500" that helps your audience to reach their decision on what mobile phone they should buy.
People like the word FREE.
It would help if you always tried to relate to your audience by giving them some freebies through the e-book, email subscription, free training, or course.
If you give some valuable knowledge to peoples?
People will trust you and reward you back by buying a product or service from your site.

2.Organize your content ideas

Before start, to your blog post, you should organize your thoughts.
You know the primary structure content organization.
By seeing the above picture, you should have ideas about how to organize the flow of your content. 
Most of the articles on the web follow this structure.

3.Engage your audience

"First Impression is the last impression," keep in mind.
So you start your content by writing a killer headline that creates curiosity to read know inside your Blog.

What does come first in your mind to see the picture of the label?
Are you thinking of pressing the button?
If yes, 90% of people think to press this button.
Human psychology works like the same.
What do you understand by this example?
It means your title or headline should be such that the audience is curious; what's inside your title.
Always try to put power and emotional words in your headline like Free, Proven, instant, everything you need, fast and easy.
some examples using power and emotional words:
These examples show how pro bloggers use the best use of power and emotional words that need to write a better headline for their blogs.
Keep your headline near to 60 characters after that google cuts off furthermore.
You see over google cut off headline because it contains more than 60 characters.
Here we recommend you use some useful headline analyzer tools that analyze your headline to make your title more engaging that helps you to bring traffic in your Blog.
Types of Titles you can use to grab you, readers, attention:
1. How to type (Example: how to start a blog that earns $10000 per month)
2.Best Type (Example: Ultimate guide to writing better content for blogs.)
3.comparison ( Example: Rankmath vs. Yoast, which plugin is best?)
4.List Article ( Example: 10 best ways to earn money by Affiliate marketing.)
5.Review ( Example: Best review guide buy a mobile under $ 500)
These are some examples, and you can make so many titles according to your Niche.

4. Write Attention-Grabbing Introduction

Your Blog starts with the introduction of the subject that you are going to focus on in your article.
Elements of introduction
  1. Hook (Grab the attention of the readers)
  2. Give a reason for your own article's presence.
  3. Explain to your readers how your article is going to help them.
How to grab the attention of your readers:

You can grab your readers' attention by telling a story or by creating a scene or start with a funny joke so the reader may feel attached to your content immediately.
Read the story.
While a man was polishing his new car, his 4 yr old son picked up a stone and scratched lines on the side of the car. In anger, the man took the child's hand and hit it many times, not realizing he was using a wrench.
At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures.
When the child saw his father….. with painful eyes he asked, 'Dad when will my fingers grow back?'
The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times. Devastated by his own actions…. sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches; the child had written 'LOVE YOU DAD'.
I think you are visualizing the moment of the story in your mind.
If yes, that's the reader's engagement.
You can start with your personnel story and touch the emotions of your readers.
By some shocking facts/statistics, a curious question like "how can you lose weight in 7 days ?"
If I am a fat buddy, then I am interested to know how to lose weight in 7 days.
So your target is to engage your readers by any of the working methods.
In my Blog, I hook the readers by asking a question.
Reason for your article presence that I cover in:
Now in the third part, I describe the way how my post will going to help to resolve the problem.
I hope you now have a clear idea of how you write a mind-blowing intro for your post, which engages your readers.

5. Make content Original and SEO Optimized

Original means Original
make thumb rule dont copy the content from other blogs
write content in your own tone.
As a newbie when you don't have the sufficient knowledge then always do research more and more about your subject.
search the top sites which are ranking for your keyword for that you can use
keyword research tools
Like Ahref,samrush,moz and review the all top 10 sites that ranking on the first page of google.
and find the keywords on which their blogs are ranking.
make a list of that keywords and take ideas from your comptitors blogs what tone and ways that have put in thier blogs to getting high SERP result in google.
Now start writing content better than your competitor.
To optimized your content.
Here I reveal some excellent strategies:
Strategy 1: Keep blog post length at least 2000 and above words and must target your focus keyword in the first 100 words.
Strategy 2:Try to keep keyword density near to 0.50 means for every 100 words your focus keywords come at least one time.
Strategy 3:Use LSI (Latent semantic indexing) keywords related to your target keyword in your Blog Post.
Strategy 4: Make inter linking and external linking with good Domain authority sites.

6.Add eye-catching Images and Videos

Have you seen watch movies without colour (black& white) and with colour?
What difference do you feel?
A coloured movie is more attractive than a Black and white movie.
images have same importance in Blog.
Images help boost the engagement of your readers.
When you use videos in your post then your post is more engaging

7.Use short Paragraph in Post

Write your content in short paragraph you will see your content presentation is more promising to engage your readers.
Always try to write simple words in your sentences because if your readers doesn't familiar with superior vocabulary they may move on from your Blog.
Keep in mind your Blog is reading by also educated but non technical readers also so make use of words in content like that are easily understand by these of readers also.
Write your paragraph should be a combination of short ( 1 line), medium (up to 2 to 3 lines) and long ( up to 5 lines).
Always try to write your statement in active voice over passive.
Active voice helps to create more readers friendly sentences.
For example" he writes content" in the active voice, and The content is written by him" you see the difference.
Active voice statements are more effective over the passive voice.

8.Research before to write facts and statistics.

In content writing sometimes is necessary to prove your point regarding your opinions and that place you need to prove your point through by giving some facts, case study, statistics or ideas from right authorities.
If you are not sure about any relevant facts and statistics that you are going to use in your content, then don't use until you know the source of that facts and statistics.
Non-credibility content, lose the faith of your readers.
So whenever you use authority quotes or statement in your content make sure
it comes from their sites.
Using authority sites facts and statistics in your content always make good faith in the readers' mind, and they think you did proper research to present your data in front of them.
let me show you
David Oglivy statement regrading importance of headline.
"On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar."
by David Oglivy

9.Conclusion or Closing remarks:

In this section, you can summarize everything about your key point.
Recap the all bullet key points to your readers that help them to know what did they learn from this Blog?
Here i am listing some ideas help you effectively end your Blog. can ask your readers to share your Blog on the social network.
Examples Like:
  • if you liked this blog post share it with your friends.
  • If you find this Blog helps you, can you help me out to share this blog post?
You can add social media sharing button to help your readers to share your post.
2.Ask a question
You can ask the question to your reader and encourage him to give some valuable comment about your blog post and make them feel like their suggestions are very important for you.
Example like:
What will be the other ideas that you want to add in my post that I did not mention.


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