How To Increase Referral Traffic And Get More Leads from Ask Point

7 Steps To Generate More Referral Traffic

1.Publish Your Website To Online Directories

Submitting your website to online directories is one of the easiest ways to get referral traffic, but you don't want to publish your website to every directory out there. Instead, focus on the ones that are most relevant to your industry or generate the most traffic. Once you've submitted your website to the top directories for your city and industry, I'd focus on finding directories that can generate some serious traffic. 

2. Get Published On Review Websites

Review websites are a great source for getting more referral traffic. These visitors have already gone through the awareness and consideration stages of the buyer's journey. They've now reached the decision stage and are comparing vendors or products. 

Getting listed on a review website can vary depending on whether you are a B2B or B2C company. By adding your website to these 3 directories you are increasing the likelihood of your website being found during the decision phase of the buyer's journey. 

B2B businesses will find that it is more difficult to get featured on review websites. A lot of times you have to "pay to play," meaning you will basically have to pay to be featured towards the top of the review listings. 

3.Publish Guest Blog Posts

Guest blog posts create numerous opportunities to get referral traffic to your website. External links (like the two in this paragraph), author bios, and call-to-actions (like the one at the bottom of this post) are typically present on most blogs.

 If you can get a post featured on a well-know industry website you'll benefit from the referral traffic and links coming to your site. It's best to focus your efforts on websites that are considered thought leaders in your industry.
 when guest blogging:
  1. Focus on websites related to your industry 
  2. Keep the target audience in mind while writing 
  3. Write content under your own name 
  4. Link to influencers - 
  5. Leverage Social Media

4.Comment On Blogs

A question that comes up a lot is "Does blog commenting help SEO?" It not only can help with SEO but it can also generate more referral traffic for your website. According to Neil Patel, his 240+ comments on blogs have generated close to 4,000 visitors to his website. Commenting on blogs will definitely increase your referral traffic; just make sure you're not filling the interwebs with more spam. 


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